Anne Crocker

Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Université de Montréal
Recherche et enseignement universitaire, Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel 
10905, Henri-Bourassa Est
Montréal, Qc

Phone : (514) 648-8461, # 769
Fax : (514) 881-3701

Main ongoing projects

  • Canada Research Chair: Mental Health, Justice, and Security
  • Moving towards culturally safe services for Indigenous people in forensic mental health : A Partnership Development Programme

  • Participatory Action Research to Support Relatives of Individuals with Mental Disorders and Violent Behaviors

  • Observatory on Justice and Mental Health

  • Intersectoral Data Center (INPL Philippe-Pinel)

  • Services for people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behavior in the neoliberal era: a systematic review of international experience to inform Canadian policy makers

  • Can you tell me more? The development of a Virtual Conversational Agent (VCA) for assessing and monitoring sexual interests and fantasies of sex offenders

  • Towards a transformation of professional training practices for parole board commissioners using Autonomous Virtual Agents

  •  A national study of opportunities and obstacles to successful community reintegration for forensic patients

  • Evaluation of support programs in justice and mental health in Quebec

  • Participatory action research to support relatives of individuals with mental disorders and violent behaviors

  • International Network on the Evaluation of Penal Policies in Prevention, Recidivism, and Social Reintegration

  • Training Justice professionals in risk and needs assessment: the development of Autonomous Virtual Agents (AVA)

  • Towards a multi-trajectory understanding of intimate partner homicide

  • Level of needs in forensic psychiatric patients: concepts, instruments, assessments and consequences for care and rehabilitation 

  • Trajectories of judicial involvement and care for individuals with severe mental disorders

  • Mobilizing evidence into the effective treatment of sexual offenders : A feasibility study

  • Control Measures in Mental Health: a restrictive environment?

  • Law as a Partner in Health Protection in the Era of Technological, Policy, and Legal Innovations

  • Gaïa Project: Intervention program for adolescents who have engaged in sexual abuse and their families

  • AMONT Project: Prevention of Homelessness and Monitoring of the Residential Pathways of New Users of Mental Health Services

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