Revue Criminologie

April 23, 2024

Episode 7 : Research and public policies for young people in transition to adulthood and in protective custody in the Community of Madrid

This paper reviews four quantitative and mixed-methods research projects focused on both the problems, challenges and needs of young people under protection in their transition to adulthood, as well as the actions developed to foster their social inclusion. Based on the principal conclusions of these studies, the main objective of this transversal synthesis is to provide relevant information about the synergies, contradictions and dilemmas of the employed approaches for the transition to adulthood of young people leaving the child protection system.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 8 : Engagement in advocacy via former foster care groups by youth aging out of care

For youth exiting care in France and Quebec at the age of majority, transition to adulthood is a major challenge. With few networks or resources to assist them, essential support can come in this scenario from groups of former foster youths. These groups provide advice and assistance to those seeking them out, in addition to advocating to public authorities on behalf of youth in care. Few Francophone studies have shed light on the autonomous mobilization of young people through groups that represent them.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 9 : Between youth protection and juvenile justice

This article explores the continuity of sociopenal interventions experienced by “dual-system youth,” i.e. youth in the Quebec juvenile justice system who are currently, or were in the past, also monitored under the Youth Protection Act. Specifically, the article focuses on the experiences of these youth as they move from one intervention system to the other, as well as the impacts of the links shared by the two systems on youth trajectories. 

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April 23, 2024

Episode 10 : Life stories of former foster care youths - Trauma, coping and envisioning the future

This article seeks to highlight how former foster care youths describe and make sense of their traumatic past, as well as how these elements impact their self-perception and vision of the future. Thirty-one former foster care youths’ life stories were analyzed based on the tenets of theoretical thematic analysis (Boyatzis, 1998), as well as the premises of complex trauma and narrative identity theories.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 11 : Residential care at the core of our concerns A profile of teenagers in residential care and an analysis of their needs

his article presents the results of an administrative study conducted at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale in response to Orientation 1 of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services’ action plan on runaways in residential care (Gouvernement du Québec, 2018). The first part of this study documents the characteristics of youths in residential care (n = 148), based on an analysis of their child protection services files. 

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April 23, 2024

Episode 12 : Considering geographic variation and poverty in child protection involvement in Quebec

Several studies over the past decade demonstrate a clear relationship between poverty and the risk of experiencing child protection intervention in Quebec. While this association is common across North American jurisdictions, it is surprising given the relatively high level of progressive social policies aimed at reducing family poverty. While studies clearly show that both family and neighbourhood poverty relate to the risk of child protection involvement, the mechanisms explaining this association are unclear.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 13 : Participation, “dry exits” and institutional renewal - A triple convergence formula for youth protection in France and Quebec

This article discusses certain issues related to the modernization of youth protection systems in France and Quebec in light of recently released public reports. After highlighting some of the major trajectories and institutional characteristics of these two systems, we first discuss the conditions of access and effective participation of children in the protective measures that concern them. Secondly, we explore the idea of systematizing support paths beyond the age of majority, with the goal of taking concrete institutional actions to counter the “dry-exit” phenomenon.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 14 : Overrepresentation of young people under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) Their migration and integration process

Young people from ethnocultural communities are overrepresented under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YJCA). Practitioners at the Director of Youth Protection (DYP), as well as various youth criminal justice system actors, are faced with an increasingly diverse ethnocultural clientele, which entails sensitivity to the issues of migration, ethnocultural identities and differential life trajectories experienced by this clientele. 

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April 23, 2024

Episode 15 : Trans and non-binary youth in child protection : The situation in Quebec

The trans and non-binary youth population is known to be at risk of discrimination and violence, in addition to facing a high risk of parental neglect. The limited research available regarding their experiences in child welfare settings reveals that these youth endure discrimination and are often forced to live with an assigned gender that is not appropriate for them. 

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April 23, 2024

Episode 16 : Restorative justice for young offenders: A difficult “right” to access

Restorative justice (RJ) was “officially” implemented in France for the Judicial Youth Protection Services (PJJ) in 2018 following a call for projects launched by the Ministry of Justice. The Code for Juvenile Criminal Justice (CJPM), which came into force on September 30, 2021, legislated RJ into juvenile criminal law in the preliminary title of the code dealing with the general principles of juvenile criminal justice.

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April 23, 2024

Episode 17 : Trust to intervene with young offenders: Analyzing the inside networks of a rehabilitation center

Over the years, Carlo Morselli took an interest in finding ways to introduce social network analysis into various criminology intervention fields. Researchers focused on carceral environments have noted the potential of such an approach, as well as the importance for prisoners of maintaining positive ties as a way of compensating for the absence of their significant relationships.

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April 22, 2024

Episode 4: Introduction - The rights, voice and needs of young people in care

It goes without saying that the needs of young people placed or followed up in the community (on probation, for example), or those receiving services in the protection and juvenile criminal justice systems (including young people under dual mandate who have been followed up in both systems), are at the center of media, social, political and scientific concerns. Internationally, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) promotes the need to allow young people to express their views in decisions that concern them, on a par with their right to appropriate living conditions, a place to live, quality schooling and non-discrimination.

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April 22, 2024

Episode 5: Participation in the judicial process: an exploration of the perceptions of young people involved in the justice system in Quebec

The purpose of this article is to present the results of qualitative research conducted with 10 young people placed under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) in Quebec. The interactional justice approach was used to explore how these young people perceive their interactions with judges during hearings, and the implications of these interactions for their engagement in their own recovery process.

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April 22, 2024

Episode 6 : The court testimony of minors Profiles and needs of young people and the contributions of a court preparation program

Testifying in court can be highly challenging and demanding for children and teenagers who witness or are victims of a crime. Certain young people, especially those in care under the Youth Protection Act (YPA), have specific needs and may need to testify on more than one occasion. Despite the number of children and young people being called to testify, few studies have documented the contribution of preparation programs to the proper support of youth at the judicial level.

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June 22, 2021

Épisode 1 - Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

Pour la première fois depuis sa création, la revue Criminologie porte son attention, dans ce numéro thématique (Volume 52, No1), sur ces personnes qui n’ont pas enfreint les normes pénales, ni ne sont des victimes de ces infractions, ni même des agents qui influencent, modifient ou appliquent ces normes. Ce qui les identifie, malgré elles, comme une population hétérogène que la criminologie se doit de mieux connaître, ce sont leurs liens familiaux et affectifs avec une personne judiciarisée.

Ce premier épisode interroge Sandra Lehalle, Caroline Touraut et Vanina Ferreccio sur leurs articles.

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June 22, 2021

Épisode 2 - Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

Pour la première fois depuis sa création, la revue Criminologie porte son attention, dans ce numéro thématique (Volume 52, No1), sur ces personnes qui n’ont pas enfreint les normes pénales, ni ne sont des victimes de ces infractions, ni même des agents qui influencent, modifient ou appliquent ces normes. Ce qui les identifie, malgré elles, comme une population hétérogène que la criminologie se doit de mieux connaître, ce sont leurs liens familiaux et affectifs avec une personne judiciarisée.

Ce second épisode interroge Gwenola Ricordeau, Ariane Amado et Else Marie Knudsen sur leurs articles.

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June 22, 2021

Épisode 3 - Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

Pour la première fois depuis sa création, la revue Criminologie porte son attention, dans ce numéro thématique (Volume 52, No1), sur ces personnes qui n’ont pas enfreint les normes pénales, ni ne sont des victimes de ces infractions, ni même des agents qui influencent, modifient ou appliquent ces normes. Ce qui les identifie, malgré elles, comme une population hétérogène que la criminologie se doit de mieux connaître, ce sont leurs liens familiaux et affectifs avec une personne judiciarisée.

Ce troisième épisode interroge Sophie de Saussure et Stacey Hannem sur leurs articles.

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